
What an Aesthetician can do for you?

It is a famous saying that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder although it seems a daunting task to impress a society of beholders with so many different views and opinions. There are people who would judge you for wearing too much makeup or there are people who would critique you on why you are not wearing any. Therefore, when you are stuck in this sticky situation there are two options; stick to natural makeup or find yourself a trusty, loyal aesthetician who understands your needs and the needs of those around you.

An aesthetician is someone who knows the art of aesthetics that is using makeup to enhance your features; you can usually find these aestheticians in salons, spas or parlours. The best thing about aestheticians is that they treat every customer as an individual and not like everyone else; they make themselves aware of your skin type and ask for the kind of allergies that effect your skin and then decide on a treatment that would suit you. Furthermore, they inquire about your preferences in treatments and help you understand your skin the way you probably yourself do not know. The most beneficial part of having an aesthetician on your side is that they would figure out natural ways to keep your skin hydrated or safe from pollution on fill in in your mental repository with those tips.

Skin Care

DeLozier Skin care

An aesthetician does not necessarily have to be trained through an institute that provides a degree and the can set up their business without any kind of degree or diploma. They can either train themselves by experimenting with makeup on their own skin over the years or pay for rigorous training from a known spa or salon. Considering that this is a field of work that requires a lot of preparation and practical work to have a clean hand at their work.

When deciding to visit an aesthetician versus a dermatologist you must realise that you cannot visit an aesthetician for any sort of invasive or non-invasive surgical procedure since they do not have a medical degree in any dermatological or medical procedure. They are valuable for providing skin care and facials but not medical treatment. Despite this, there is a category of aestheticians called licenced medical aestheticians that have the proper training to perform medical procedures on the skin and for that they need to show their original license for these treatments.

If and when you decide to employ an aesthetician to take care of your regular skin treatments make sure it is a practiced aesthetician and has received good reviews form other customers. If any of your treatments do not suit you than it is the practical choice to change your beautician to someone with a proven record, moreover if you can then make sure to interview their previous and regular customers. This definitely might seem like a tedious job for you but it will prove to be fruitful for you yourself. Good Luck!


Call (615) 565-9000 today and schedule a consultation with one of our Aestheticians