Temporary Closure Due to COVID-19 – starting 3/23/20

Published: March 22, 2020
As you are all aware, we are faced with a difficult time right now, and our state leadership is recommending drastic measures to help slow the spread of COVID-19.

As a result, we at DeLozier Cosmetic Surgery Center will unfortunately be closing our doors for the next several days starting Monday, March 23rd in support of these efforts. 

All elective surgeries will need to be rescheduled, and once the shelter in place is lifted, we will contact each patient individually to reschedule those surgeries. 

We will still be available by phone and email during this time should you have any questions or concerns. Please feel free to contact us at 615-565-9000 or by email at jenn@drdelozier.com. If we don’t answer the first time please feel free to leave a message and we will do our best to get back in touch with you as quickly as possible.

We will still be seeing patients on an as needed basis for post op visits etc. The phone will still be answered 24/7 and any needed visits will be arranged. 

For those of you scheduled for Monday visits please call before you come. 

We apologize for any inconvenience. We appreciate your understanding and we look forward to seeing you all back at the house soon! 

Joseph B. DeLozier III, M.D., F.A.C.S.