Understanding the Benefits of Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Published: October 6, 2022

The advantages of breast reconstruction surgery after mastectomy or lumpectomy are to reform the breast mound so that a woman can feel and look natural and whole without any permanent deformity that can affect everything from her self-esteem and sexuality to her ability to exercise and participate in sports as well as wear any clothing without the requirement for an external prosthesis. While many doctors say their objective is to make you look and feel normal when you wear clothing, some doctors might also feel that the aim is to make you feel and look beautiful regardless of what you wear. As a result, many women can look even better after breast reconstruction.

Multiple techniques are available for reconstructing the breasts after mastectomy, as with all plastic surgery procedures. In helping patients decide which technique best suits their particular case, doctors consider many factors, such as age, weight, lifestyle, family, and work. Each patient’s circumstances can impact the decision about what type of reconstruction best suits them. The crucial thing to understand is that almost all women are candidates for breast reconstruction, and to know what option is best suited to you, you must first be presented with all the options available.

Advantages of breast reconstruction with implants

Breast implant reconstruction is becoming the most common type of breast reconstruction surgery. This operation is very useful for patients who are very slim and have less availability of natural tissue. It will provide a great advantage to those who do not want additional scars on their body and those who cannot or do not want to have the longer surgery associated with autologous reconstruction. The availability of the new form-stable, highly cohesive, anatomically shaped silicone-gel-filled breast implants has transformed the expectations of breast implant reconstruction. The breast lift with implants allows doctors to attain a more natural result than traditional breast implant treatment, and doctors use these new implants in most cases. Additionally, with new mastectomy techniques such as nipple-sparing mastectomy and biologic mesh, implant breast reconstruction can now be performed in fewer stages with more natural results.

Some of the advantages of breast implant reconstruction are:

  • Shorter duration Surgery and Hospitalization: Unlike autologous breast reconstruction surgery, reconstruction with implants is a short-duration surgery with a short-duration hospitalization.

  • The shape of Form Stable implants remains constant over time: Because these implants are filled with a highly cohesive gel, they form their original shape giving a more natural shape to the breast.

  • Form Stable implants are less likely to ripple and fold: Again, because they contain a highly cohesive gel that maintains its natural shape over time, they are much less likely to ripple and fold.

  • The risk of leakage is quite low: The current generation of implants has a really low rupture rate compared to prior generations of implants.


Breast reconstruction surgery has many benefits, but since many plastic surgeons don’t perform all kinds of reconstruction, many women are only given a few options. Doctors at DeLozier specialize in the most advanced methods of breast reconstruction treatment. Therefore, their patients get the chance to decide for themselves what option they prefer.
