A Message from Dr. DeLozier – Reopening April 30th!



Dear Patients!

DeLozier Cosmetic Surgery Center will officially reopen for business on Thursday April 30th! Governor Bill Lee and Mayor Cooper have given us the go ahead to open our doors after several weeks of Safer At Home Measures. We Thank you all for your patience and understanding during this time as we have had to reschedule many of your appointments, surgeries and other elective treatments.

Our commitment to patient safety as well as the safety of our staff is our number one priority.  You can expect the same high quality and standard of service and care when you return to see us in the office. We appreciate your patience as we navigate through the “New Normal” – Below we have listed  the implenented safety precautions to keep you and our staff safe.

  1. Thorough cleaning of exam rooms and the office throughout the day
  2. Daily Deep Cleans to the office surfaces and rooms – Patient room and Aesthetic Rooms
  3. A temperature check prior to your appointment at your arrival
  4. We ask that you come to your appointment alone when possible. If you must bring someone, please limit this to one additional person.
  5. Please arrive at your scheduled appointment at your scheduled time to limit unnecessary patient contact-
  6. Please reschedule your appointment if you have had a fever in the last 14 days, or if you have been diagnosed or in contact with someone diagnosed with COVID 19
  7. Virtual consultations are available for those who wish to maintain social distancing.

Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram as we will continue to post updates to our social media regarding any changes in instructions.

We look forward to welcoming all of you back safely!