
Nashville Location


CoolScultping is a non-surgical, non-invasive procedure that uses cryoliposis to freeze fat cells in your body to the point of elimination. Since fat freezes at higher temperatures than your skin and other tissue, your body is left unharmed needing zero down time to recover. There is mild discomfort during the procedure, including tingling and numbness. You can expect an ultra sound gel to be applied to the areas that will be treated. Your nurse will then place the applicator on the desired area. The applicator uses vacuum pressure to draw the tissue between the cooling panels. Many patients like to bring an iPad or laptop to catch up on emails or their favorite show during the procedure.


Your Individual Goals For CoolSculpting

Your CoolSculpting procedure goals will be discussed realistically with Nashville Plastic surgeon Dr. DeLozier and one of our aestheticians. CoolSculpting is a great alternative for someone who is not ready to undergo surgery, but is seeking a more toned and tighter look on those stubborn fat areas.


We begin by taking photographs to monitor your transformation throughout the entire process. Our skilled aesthetician will then expertly outline the target area, apply a gel pad for your protection, and place the applicators on your skin. You will experience a mild vacuum pressure followed by a refreshing chill that will temporarily numb the treated area in approximately 10 minutes. Our patients find the treatment to be tolerable, with many even taking a nap, reading, or catching up on their favorite TV show. Each session is completed with a gentle massage that breaks up fat cells, leaving you feeling rejuvenated. Our treatments can last 35-75 minutes per cycle, depending on the area of focus, with an average session lasting one to three hours.

Recovery From CoolSculpting

There is no downtime to this 60-90 minute procedure. Patients can return to normal activity directly following their CoolSculpting treatment. Many patients will return to work or even go the gym the same day of the procedure. We strongly encourage you maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise to see maximum results.

Results Of CoolSculpting

Results often occur after a two to three month period. We strongly encourage you maintain a healthy diet and normal exercise routine to get the best results. Most patients see a noticeable difference after their first treatment, but would like a second to get maximized results. Your tightened and toned physique will definitely be a confidence booster. You’ll be able to enjoy your beach vacation – no longer sucking in your belly fat or hiding your thighs behind a cover up.
