Mixto is a unique technology that combines CO2 energy with fractional resurfacing, which heats and vaporizes skin tissue in the superficial layers of the epidermis. Simultaneously, this energy prompts the body’s natural healing response, stimulating the production of new collagen and elastin in the area.
This highly customizable treatment allows our team to control the depth of penetration and the amount of heat delivered by the device. The technology itself also divides the energy in a way that allows for maximum thermal cooling of the tissue, enabling us to deliver incredible results with less downtime and discomfort than traditional resurfacing devices.
We also offer the MiXto “Polish & Shine” protocol, which is a milder version of this advanced procedure. It gently resurfaces and re-energizes the skin with little social downtime, though this does not address more deeply set concerns like severe wrinkles or acne scarring.
Overall, MiXto is a highly sophisticated laser resurfacing device, and therefore should only be performed by highly trained and qualified professionals. The team at DeLozier Plastic Surgery has mastered the art and science of MiXto laser resurfacing in Nashville, producing beautiful, sustainable results for patients with a variety of concerns.
The discomfort you may experience after a laser resurfacing treatment is similar to a bad sunburn. For most patients we apply topical anesthetic and recommend oral Tylenol so they are able to drive themselves home. In total, a MiXto appointment may last up to 2 hours to allow for the numbing solution to take full effect before we begin treatment.