Communication between patient and provider is key following a thigh lift in Nashville. During your pre-op appointment (which will take place between 1 month and 2 weeks before your surgery), we will provide detailed post-op instructions to follow, walking them through with you in detail to ensure you fully understand what to expect.
In addition, the night following your procedure, your surgeon will call you to check in and ensure you are comfortably settled at home.
Here are a few additional points to keep in mind as you recover from a thigh lift.
- Wear your girdle continuously without removing it until cleared to do so. At that point, you may remove it, throw the inside padding away, and shower. When you get out of the shower, replace your girdle after having it washed and air-dried.
- Sometimes during surgery, fluid is instilled into the tissue to numb it, loosen the fat, and help reduce bruising. You may notice a blood-tinged drainage leaking for the first two days after surgery. Place a towel in your bed to prevent soiling your sheets.
- Walk around at least every two hours during waking hours to prevent a blood clot.
- Wear compression leg hose for five days and do foot pumping exercises when in bed.
- Periodic deep breathing exercises will help prevent pneumonia.
- Do not drive until cleared by the office staff.
- No exercise, strenuous activity, or heavy lifting for two weeks.
- Resume eating food as soon as you are ready, but avoid spicy and greasy foods for 24 hours.
- At no point while taking pain medication can you drive a car, go to work, make important decisions, or consume alcohol.
- Antibiotics can interfere with the efficacy of oral birth control. If you currently take a birth control pill, you should use a back-up method of contraception while you are on your antibiotics after surgery.
- Please call the office if you develop a fever, nausea & vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive swelling, bruising, or bleeding.
Results typically appear after anywhere between 2 and 6 weeks of recovery. You are likely to notice your thighs looking slimmer and dimple-free. These sculpted results can be long-lasting so long as you continue to live a healthy lifestyle. Cycling through additional weight gains and losses can cause a return of the excess skin your procedure originally addressed.